Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The true physical test passed today!

It has been just about 18 months since I last fished from a boat. 18 months away from doing something I have had a passion for since I was a kid. It's been less then 3 months since my transplant, and only since Thanksgiving since I regained mobility in my left arm and foot. After doing everything I could do so far in physical therapy, and honestly exceeding even their expectations with my recovery; today I put it to the test. I fished 4 1/2 hours on one of my best friends boat on Lake Cypress. A lake I haven't fished in years.... It was a cool, gloomy, and windy day on that water but I must have made over 400 casts....and without any fatigue, or pain. Even as I type this out 8 hrs later, I still feel great. 

Fishing was horrible, but 3 hrs into it, bam! I land a 10" bass on a xtreme stix. I set the hook harder and better then I have ever before....it was the greatest feeling ever. My friend Don the followed up with two more maybe 13" bass, and it was starting to get dark. 

It was all the proof I need and in two weeks I will have my first charter, some clients I have taken every year fishing but last year because I was so sick. 2014 will rock for fishing....and I am hoping for some pretty amazing opportunities that I have been perusing for a year start to take shape and happen. 

Happy New Year Everyone !!!

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