Monday, October 15, 2012

Still not fishing

Well I had hoped that this month I would be back on the water at least part time doing some charters, but not so. I am however starting to feel better a little bit each day. Currently I am starting week 2 of being on insulin for my newly developed Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (CFRD) diagnosis last month. I have noticed a difference in how I feel, but it is taking longer for my body and my blood sugars to adjust. My blood sugars are still on the high end despite taking the insulin. This will take a few months to get regulated. As for my lung infection; I was placed on a second IV antibiotic last week, and I have noticed a huge difference with having less of a cough, and feeling better in general. The only issue remaining is becoming short of breath very easily with any exertion. Some days are better then others, but I am still not able to do what's necessary to launch and finish an entire charter. My health care team is hoping this will improve once I start respiratory rehab. This is week 3 of trying to get started with the Rehab facility. It took two weeks for them to call my doctor and I back on a start date. So I have my initial evaluation Wednesday, and then hopefully start this Thursday. They are playing games with starting saying there is no room and it may take until December to get me started. This honestly has me and my doctor pissed off because patients being evaluated for a lung transplant are supposed to get priority even if it means bumping someone. So hopefully this therapy starts next week at the latest. This will hopefully give me that boost I need physically to get back to doing charters. So I am sorry to those who have called and I cannot take out, but I hope to those coming this fall, I can make these charters happen.

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